HELLLLOOOOOOO!!!! *waves* Does anyone still remember me and my (non-) existence?? hehe
Sorry.. was having A BIT of a writer's block.. Thus the hiatus.. *sheepish grin* You must be rolling your eyes, murmuring: "Yeah right.. What's new.. What bs"..
I'm back with super backdated review, as far back as 14th Feb...
Being the only unattached ones left in my group of friends, we've decided to have a foursome dinner on Valentines day at Cilantro. It was definitely unusual because the attendant to my phone reservation had to repeat after me "Table for 4" several times before he confirmed my booking.
Excuse me Mister, we like it crowded okay? =P

Had the tv playing some cooking show at the background while doing some other work the other day, as soon as Jamie Oliver mentioned the word Truffle, i looked up from my work and went "OooooOooooOO.. truffle.. *sniffles the air*"

I love the combination of the entire cold dish- how succulent the chilled king crab brings out the sweetness and freshness of the dish. I must comment on how brilliant the tomato coulis is done just so that it doesn't overpower the entire dish with merely tomato taste. Oh, not to mention the sprinkle of caviar..
Tip no.2 on how to bribe Crazieapple's tastebud: DROWN HER WITH CAVIARS!!!
Hokki is also know as surf clam; we voted this as our best dish for the night.. It's the most maddeningly delicious dish for the entire course, i would claim!!
Almost forgettable dish as the meat was dry and uneventful. Not a big fan of walnut (or any kind of nuts) in my dish.. MOST Definitely not a grass-eater as well.. *Screams "MEATTT!!"*
Being a well-trained monster eater from overseas, this tiny toy was a mere appetizer to my stomach.. I've definitely had better wagyu than this and i've swore foie gras off my eating list after watching this cruel video of how they stuffed poor goose to death so that we'll get good fatty foie gras.. =( So i didn't manage to enjoy my main as much as i would like to. Credits to those smooth silky mash. But then again, how wrong can you really go with your mash?? 

Mel, Crazieapple, Elyn
Please excuse my friend as he develops a weird habit of stuffing everything rod-like into his mouth.. haha
Thanks for the dinner DBB!!
Raspberry Granite with Mascarpone Ice cream
Dark chocolate being my favourite, the other chocolates were nothing to scream for except "Serviettes PLEASEEE"! They were melting by the time they were being served to us!!! Bless our Msia weather..
Our magnum- sized wine which we were having a difficult time finishing as i wasn't allowed to drink too much as i was working as driver round the clock.. =(
My overall dining experience at Cilantro was rather disappointing. Probably due to the fact that it's valentine's day. You're meant to eat overate, poorly prepared food just because you have to... My indulgence for the dinner basically ended at course number 2 (Hokki and Scallop), everything after that just sort of went down to the drain.. And really, being called Cilantro, one would expect a more spectacular dinner than this.
I'd definitely like to give it another try on a normal operating day.. Hmmm.. Are they still serving the cod's sperm??