It wasn't the best day for us, we were grumpy, hungry and impatient. It will be a tough day to please.
Please remind me again why i hate to drive down to Bangsar on a Friday Night, because despite all the experience on being stuck in a dead jam, i still find myself heading there ALL THE TIME. Should i be annoyed with myself?
It took us almost 1 hour to drive from Location A to Location B, when in normal jam-free days i could reach in 20 mins. What's more irritating is upon heading to BSC valet parking, came down from the car and got chase back up, apparently the valet parking is full. i thought i just saw them park the car in front of me?? !%$#%!%
We decided to head to Cafe Barbera which is just a short distance away, it was raining and we were drenched only to find out that the cafe is closed for a private event. Can things get even worse?
In the end, with thick face we relunctantly made our way back to BSC parking lot, i hesitant as im not exactly a good parker... but with little luck, we found a parking spot soon enough *phew*
Having gourmet burgers for dinner has never been my thing. I guess, when it comes to burger, I'd prefer Macdonalds - being a quick fix, cheap and filling meal with delivery for those late office nights. Let's face it, burgers aren't exactly the marvel of the culinary world. It's very filling, dry at times and more often than not, the fries and part of the burger will be cold before you can even finish.
Yet when Johan and YY recommended to dine in The Daily Grind, there's a certain believe that this place will deliver. Located right at the corner of Bangsar Village 1, The Daily Grind has over the years gotten pretty good reviews and indirectly established itself as the home of delicious burgers. It would appear that of all the people, they would be more than equal to the task of convincing burger skeptics such as myself, that there’s more to just two pieces of bread sandwiching a patty.
Diners seem to enjoy the dark but cosy type of atmosphere with pockets of laughter breaking out sporadically in all areas of the restaurant. Gives you the atmosphere of an old English appeal with dim French lighting I guess. Not exactly the most handsome dining outlet among it’s peers, but cosy enough for you to relax after a tough day at the office.
Im not going to attempt reviewing this place because we went there after a clubbing session, and well.. alcohol might impair one's judgement. *grins*
I am not exposed to enough Thai restaurants in kl to make comparison, so i googled up on how other reviewer feel about De' Chiengmai Thai Restaurant and was surprise to find that many floggers has written about this place. Some did not have a pleasant experience (tummythoz) while others seems to like it enough. (kyspeaks, shaolintiger). Im sitting on the fence for this one.
If it wasnt for me to stay nearby, i'd probably have a hard time finding this place as it is hidden among the industries area of sg. buloh.
The kids used to call this restaurant "Umbrella" because our memories of this restaurant dated way back- probably 5 years ago? it wasnt so big back then, their ceiling was decorated with many paper umbrella in multi colors. Since the relocation, they have spent quite a bit on renovations, it now looked like this..